Friday, April 4, 2008

The Government Rebate Check

Assignment 1-4

Rebate Check

As an example of current popular culture, I choose the rebate check which Americans will start receiving in May of 2008. The United States has a failing economy, soaring gas prices, and the housing market in shambles with millions of American’s losing their homes. Is $600 for each adult and $300 for each child rebate really going to fix anything? From talking to people in my every day life, and listening to interviews on the news I have heard no one who agrees with this as a quick fix. The money will go back into the system, as people begin to use it for gas, food, and other necessities. It is meant to reinforce the middle class, and to create jobs and to turn the economy around.

Time will tell, whether the rebate money will boost the economy or not. In forums and blogs, Americans are saying that they will pay bills and save what they can. Many people are angry, and sarcastic when asked what they would do with the rebate money. Americans say that they will use the check for toilet paper, or frame it and put it on display. The American public needs the government to step in and lower gas prices, and then other costs would come down. The rebate checks are a good idea, but to little too late as the saying goes.

In conclusion, when you get your check decide carefully where it will be better spent. Will saving it be in your best interest? Do you need to use it, and get it back into the system? Americans will spend, save, or invest the money however they wish to, and the government has no control over it. However anyone feels about the checks, we will be getting them and we have no choice. So, enjoy the money the way you see fit.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life Goes Bye: Popular Culture

Life Goes Bye: Popular Culture

Popular Culture

Popular Culture to me is something or someone that is accepted by society. For example: Barbie dolls are am item of popular culture, or the Leave It To Beaver show. A Popular Culture artifact, is important in some way to the society in which it is presented. Popular Culture is relevant to me because in my Web Development career the computer has shrank in size, and the Internet has grown in size. The computer and the Internet are both popular culture artifacts.
A Popular Culture artifact of interest to me is the Brady Bunch show. I grew up in the 1970's, and it was very popular for children, and my self. I would choose the Bady Bunch for an artifact, because it was easy for me to accept and identify with as a child. The Brady Bunch was a popular tv sitcom which started in 1969. It was a story about two people, who were each raising three children on their own. When they meet and fall in love they are married. In the early 1970's there were not as many families with step children, so they seemed unique to society.